Course Description

BCIT's Centre of Architectural Ecology focuses its unique industry-responsive research on collaborations in living architecture, acoustics, and building science. To meet the ever-rising demand for housing in Metro Vancouver, municipalities and builders are responding with community densification strategies, but continued research is needed to examine environmental impact and homeowners' comfort – this is where the Centre of Architectural Ecology and its student researchers will provide valuable insights.

This course features BCIT's Dr. Maureen Connelly, who will discuss living architecture and acoustics labs, the current research projects underway, and the latest findings which provide real-world relevance for Metro Vancouver's residential housing industry. From green roofs and living walls, to sound transmission of cavity walls and reducing impact noise on decks and laneway homes, this session will provide an inside look into the current research projects and how their findings could impact the future of housing.

Key learning objectives:

  1. Review strategies using living architecture in residential spaces; models using material components, and reviewing performance data.
  2. Examine noise propagation in laneway homes, building envelope requirements for laneways, and possible solutions for noise transmission.
  3. Learn about the Centre of Architectural Ecology and its research.

Approved for 1.0 CPD Credits in Construction Technology
Note: If you have already taken this course in person, repeating it online will not qualify for additional CPD points.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Before You Get Started

    • Agreement to HAVAN Academic Integrity Policy

    • Part 1

  • 2

    Chapter 2

    • Part 2

  • 3

    Chapter 3

    • Part 3

    • Feedback

    • Declaration of Completed Work Assignment

Director, Faculty, Centre for Architectural Ecology | Faculty, Building Science Graduate Program

Maureen Connelly, BCIT

Combining a science background with a professional affiliation as an architect, Maureen Connelly founded the Centre of Architectural Ecology at BCIT. She also developed the vision, oversaw the construction and the instrumentation of the BCIT green roof research facility in 2002, and developed the first credited course on green roofs in Canada. Under Maureen’s stewardship, the Centre has won a number of awards for its research. Current research focus is on architectural acoustics with a specific focus on living architecture. Research subjects she currently leads includes: urban acoustics, building envelope noise control and sound transmission, acoustical building materials, quantification of the acoustical capacity of living architecture to reduce sound transmission through buildings, reduction of noise build up in urban areas, and is currently leading an initiative on soundscape and acoustical integration into whole building performance.