Interaction of Building Envelope with HVAC/Mechanical Systems
In-class Presentation | taught by Hamid Heidarali, P.Eng, Hamid Design Build
The building envelope of a house needs to be designed and constructed to have satisfactory moisture management and thermal performance. The HVAC and mechanical systems, on the other hand, need to be designed and constructed to provide appropriate indoor environmental conditions for the occupants. Although these two disciplines are separate, there is quite a noticeable overlap between the two, to a point that the performance of one will affect the other one. These overlaps are often not effectively coordinated, leading to compromised moisture management and/or thermal performance of the building envelope, or compromised efficiency and performance of the HVAC and mechanical systems. In either case, the end result is the performance and long-term durability of the house have been compromised.
Key Learning Objectives:
Approved for 1.5 CPD points under the Construction Technology category
Note: If you have already taken this course in person, repeating it online will not qualify for additional CPD points.
Before You Get Started
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Video: Part 1
Video: Part 2
Video: Part 3
Video: Part 4
Declaration of Completed Work Assignment
Hamid Heidarali, P.Eng, Hamid Design Build