Course Description

Ventilation has always been an important component to home design but is often the least understood system within the dwelling unit.  The control of the big pollutant – moisture — has always been difficult especially in smaller chimney less (electrically heated) dwelling units located here on the wet coast. Today with most gas appliances being high efficiency those homes, especially the smaller ones, now show some of those same problem.
It is essential that every builder, designer, contractor learns the prime function of ventilation and know what to look for in an installed system. The objective is simple: to provide health and safety of the building and occupants without compromise to occupant comfort.

Attendees will learn:

  1. The subtle benefits of ventilation and the importance of integrating the ventilation early in the design process in all dwelling types
  2. Understanding the advantages and limitations of the 4 proven code-compliant systems in use today.
  3. Avoiding the common problems and occupant complaints which result if things go wrong
  4. Right-sizing your ventilation equipment (bigger is not always better)-- recognition that all ventilation systems incur annual operating costs to their owners
  5. Working with your ventilation contractor: key questions to ensure the installed system is effective first and efficient second.

Approved for 1.5 CPDs in Construction Technology
Note: If you have already taken this course in person, repeating it online will not qualify for additional CPD points.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Before You Get Started

    • Agreement to HAVAN Academic Integrity Policy

    • Presenter Slides

    • Part 1

  • 2

    Chapter 2

    • Part 2

  • 3

    Chapter 3

    • Part 3

  • 4

    Chapter 4

    • Part 4

    • Feedback

    • Declaration of Completed Work Assignment

President and Owner

David Hill, Eneready Products Ltd.

David Hill is the President and owner of Eneready Products Ltd., and is highly respected for his technical expertise. As one of Canada’s leading experts in residential and small commercial ventilation systems and technology, David is a popular presenter of code ventilation requirements and a variety of ventilation topics. David has been working exclusively in this area since 1980 and tirelessly pursues his vision of Eneready as a company whose main goal is healthy, fresh air.