Course Description

This course will focus on indoor air quality (IAQ) -- what it is; what it is not.  Led by speaker David Hill of Eneready Products, one of Canada's leading experts in residential and small commercial ventilation systems and technology, this course will examine IAQ and its components, from purpose, effectiveness, design, install (good and bad), to live demonstrations to articulate the science behind best practice methodologies.

IAQ topics include:

  • Air Circulation and Stratification
  • Filtration
  • Ventilation

As well, David will talk on the cause, explanation and cure for musty mouldy basements through a recent case study with Hamid Heidarali.


Re-Introduce three- proven HVAC technologies for 'space conditioning' and define each:

  1. air circulation
  2. filtration 
  3. ventilation
  4. bonus topic: musty basements/crawlspaces problem, analysis, solution

1) Air Circulation & Stratification; purpose of

  • Thermal Comfort
  • heating in winter
  • stratification: is dynamic not static
  • indirectly can damage attics and cause fan leaks
  • Heating (basements) in summer

2) Filtration; Purpose of

  • Particulate
  • Filter Merv ratings; HEPA
  • pressure drops and Fan Energy
  • Odour adsorption

3) Ventilation; purpose of

  • Ventilation/comfort hierarchy
  • perceived purpose of
  • system effectiveness
  • good, bad, ugly designs
  • good, bad, ugly installs
  • equipment efficiency
  • system transparency

Localized (spot, USA term) exhaust

  • kitchen
  • cooking exhaust effectiveness
  • updraft
  • island updraft
  • down draft
  • fan ratings and duct sizes
  • bathroom
  • short term exhaust
  • Continuous exhaust kitchen/bathroom
  • Interior vs exterior condensation

Approved for 2.0 CPDs in Construction Technology
Note: If you have already taken this course, repeating it online will not qualify for additional CPD points.

Thank you to our Sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor: FortisBC
Patron Sponsor: BC Housing 

President and Owner

David Hill, Eneready Products Ltd.

David Hill is the President and owner of Eneready Products Ltd., and is highly respected for his technical expertise. As one of Canada’s leading experts in residential and small commercial ventilation systems and technology, David is a popular presenter of code ventilation requirements and a variety of ventilation topics. David has been working exclusively in this area since 1980 and tirelessly pursues his vision of Eneready as a company whose main goal is healthy, fresh air.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Before You Get Started

    • Agreement to HAVAN Academic Integrity Policy

    • Part 1

  • 2

    Chapter 2

    • Part 2

  • 3

    Chapter 3

    • Part 3

  • 4

    Chapter 4

    • Part 4

    • Declaration of Completed Work Assignment