Course Description

* This course is an updated version to the same curriculum as the 2016 presentation of this course. 

Are you new the awards program and want to learn more about its value to your business, or are you a past participant but want to learn tips on how to improve your awards submission?

HAVAN presents Ovation Awards Workshop: Tips and Strategies to Submit Your Best to provide builders, renovators and designers a strategic look at the Ovation Awards – from how to capture the judges' attention through strong photography and writing, to leveraging the awards in your annual marketing program. The speakers will also talk about the real costs of entering the awards and why you can't afford to miss out on this comprehensive marketing program.

By attending this ‘how-to' seminar, participants will learn:

  • the value of the awards to your business -- why you need to enter;
  • the ‘must haves' of great architectural photography and how to best communicate to the judges and your audience through photos;
  • how to write a submission that communicates your entire project in 350 words or less;
  • tips on how to maximize your invested marketing dollars; and,
  • what your submission needs to attract the judges' attention.


Now in its ninth year, the GVHBA Ovation Awards is the fastest-growing housing awards program in B.C. Popular with the media and consumers, the Ovation Awards is your opportunity to gain local recognition for your new home, renovation and design projects in one of the most demanding and competitive housing markets in Canada.

Approved for 2.0 CPD points in Business Planning
Note: If you have already taken this course in person, repeating it online will not qualify for additional CPD points.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Before You Get Started

    • Agreement to HAVAN Academic Integrity Policy

    • Part 1

  • 2

    Chapter 2

    • Please download the presenter's slides and follow along.

    • Part 2

  • 3

    Chapter 3

    • Part 3

  • 4

    Chapter 4

    • Part 4

    • Feedback

    • Declaration of Completed Work Assignment

Lynn Harrison, Susan Boyce, and Martin Knowles

Lynn Harrison, Harrison Marketing ResourcesLynn has worked in the housing industry for many years, holding senior management positions for single-family and multi-family production builders. Now, as principal of Harrison Marketing Resources, Lynn provides branding strategy and marketing expertise to builders and renovators. She is a strong proponent of award programs, having prepared countless entries, and understands the value that they can bring to a company's brand.Martin Knowles, Martin Knowles Photo / MediaMartin Knowles is an architectural photographer whose approach provides effective visual communication fuelled by careful craft and technical savvy. Beginning in 2007, he founded Martin Knowles Photo/Media to serve the design and building community.Susan Boyce, Freelance journalist/writerSusan is an accomplished journalist and features writer, and has contributed to many residential construction industry publications. Susan has written well over 1,000 award applications at municipal, provincial and national levels. In addition to writing, Susan is a popular guest speaker, lecturer, and writing instructor.